Our Daily Munch A perfectly crazy idea from two mildly sane guys.

Granola bar

Eaten by Jeff on Wednesday April 29, 2009 at 03:06PM UTC.

On April 30, 2009 at 07:06AM PDT, Keely says:

The Steve has been addicted to these lately. I like these, but the cinnamon ones are my favorite.

On April 30, 2009 at 07:27AM PDT, jeff says:

As a kid, I loved the peanut butter one, but we don't have any in the office. I have dipped these in peanut butter though. Yum.

On April 30, 2009 at 11:51AM PDT, Keely says:

Yes, peanut butter also a solid choice. In fact, I tend to buy the variety pack that includes all three. :)