Our Daily Munch A perfectly crazy idea from two mildly sane guys.

Fried chicken and waffle

Eaten by Jeff on Sunday March 29, 2009 at 11:28PM UTC.

On March 30, 2009 at 07:32AM PDT, Keely says:

I've never understood that combo. Fried chicken? Good. Waffles? Good. Together? Do you put syrup on the fried chicken? Yuck. Or do you eat a really dry waffle? Weird. I don't like gravy, so that may be the problem, perhaps the gravy subs for the syrup. Hmmm...

On April 01, 2009 at 05:11AM PDT, jeff says:

It goes like this. Fried chicken: good. Waffles: good. Together: good. Sometimes there is syrup on the chicken. Sometimes there is gravy on the waffles. Sometimes you've just got to let life happen.